
Vision The Mission of the college is to promote the development of harmonious personality and to maintain Indian culture by providing value based teacher education. Mission The following goals have been laid down by college to realize the vision and...

As Mahatma Gandhi said:

"Your beliefs become your thoughts"

"Your thoughts become your words"

"Your words become your action"

"Your actions become your habits"

"Your habits become your values"

"Your values become your destiny."


The following goals have been laid down by college to realize the vision and to fulfil the mission of the college:

  • Healing touch with unique career.
  • Dynamic observation about aptitudes, attitudes and career.
  • To provide effective training.
  • Teaching through highly experienced core and by visiting guest faculty.
  • To provide hi-tech computer laboratory and modernise library.
  • To provide complete education and placement.
  • To conduct group discussions for developing personality career and future life to face and accept the challenges.
  • Excellent academic results.
  • To prepare complete leaders through harmonizing terminology and principles for using knowledge and skill of the advancement of human welfare.
  • Enhancing creativity and problem solving skills in students.
  • To keep teaching learning process interactive and participative.


The Mission of the college is to promote the development of harmonious personality and to maintain Indian culture by providing value based teacher education.

To search for profound truth

To attain impeccable professional goals

To cultivate sensitivity towards global community 


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